Purpose: To capture the stories of CCN participants, as told through photos and their own words. This is a project to capture their wisdom and to preserve a piece of their essence. The CCN team members conduct the interviews and take the photographs. Care is taken to take pictures that reflect the person and their personality in a setting that is comfortable for them. We hope you enjoy their words.
Favorite thing to eat for Christmas dinner: The traditional food. Turkey and all the fixins
What would you never do again in your life? Smoke cigarettes, …probably
What is your best piece of advice for living? Well, eat right, live by the golden rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you; Be kind to animals and old people.
What things are most important to you now? Without a doubt, my health. Nothing trumps that, ok?
What is your greatest accomplishment in life? Staying alive for 71 years. Just getting through life for 71 years is an accomplishment in itself.
Being blind: Not very hard to do. Lost eyesight slowly and adapted as time went on. Put things where they belong. Be careful where you walk. It’s not difficult to be blind. Lots of people out there that have been blind for years. Once you get the hang of it 4 or 5 years, you get experienced at it …it’s not that big of a deal. I wouldn’t say that’s much of an accomplishment compared to some of the trials that other people have. The graveyards are full of people that are less fortunate, wouldn’t you say?
What’s your favorite thing that your mother taught you? Best advice she ever gave me was ‘marry that girl – she’s a winner! ‘
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Staying alive
What would you never do again?
Not follow the doctor’s instructions
What brings you joy?
My family and my kids
What things are most important to you right now?
Children and granddaughter
Most cherished family tradition
Christmas Eve – making tamales ‘cause the whole family gets together
What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you were young?
Not following instructions would cause all these illnesses that I have
“I’m thankful for the support Community Care Network gives me. Otherwise, I would not be doing as well as I am now.”
For more information about the CCN, call Marshall at 530-626-2745.