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Cancer Resource Center

Questions, concerns, worries, fears, and hopes are all part of the natural process when you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer.

Patients may find it difficult to navigate their treatment and process all the information provided during this challenging time. Marshall’s onsite Cancer Resource Center team is here to provide a wide range of support to patients receiving care with us. Our oncology nurse navigator, dietitian, social worker, and cancer resource specialists provide education and answer questions about treatment and nutrition, address financial concerns, offer psycho-social support, and connect patients and caregivers with resources for everything in between.

Call us at 530-672-7050 for information.

Support for Patients:

Oncology Nurse Navigation

A Nurse Navigator supports individuals with cancer. We can help with:

  • Identifying barriers to care
  • Facilitating timely access to clinical services and resources
  • Navigating patients from pre-diagnosis until treatment is initiated
  • Facilitating informed decision making and empowerment
  • Guiding patients and answering questions about side effects
  • Serving as the patients’ advocate

Oncology Nutrition

The oncology dietitian helps patients adjust their nutritional intake to optimize health and minimize side effects caused by cancer and cancer treatments. We can help with:

  • Nutrition Assessments
  • Symptoms management suggestions
  • Education before and during treatment
  • Education into survivorship

Oncology Social Work

Oncology Social Workers provide information, care and connection for people diagnosed with cancer. We can help with:

  • Adjusting to life after diagnosis
  • Exploring the impact cancer and treatment have on work and abilities
  • Disability options
  • Financial hardship assessment
  • Body image concerns and sexual health
  • Completing advance-care directives
  • Share information regarding community and online support groups
  • Coping with emotions related to cancer
  • Caregiver support

Transportation Assistance Program

Rides to oncology appointments may be available for eligible patients through our onsite transportation program. Information regarding additional transportation options is also available.

New Patient Treatment Orientation

Weekly orientations help our new patients, and their caregivers, learn about the Cancer Center and what to expect during cancer treatment.

Supportive Care/ Palliative Care

Supportive/Palliative Care is specialized medical care for people with serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms, providing physical, emotional, and spiritual help, and relieving stress. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and the family. Referrals to Supportive Care/ Palliative Care are available upon request. Please talk to your medical team to learn more.

Resource Library

Free printed materials are available in the Cancer Resource Center lobby that cover a vast array of information on cancer diagnoses, treatment, resources, and support.

Support Groups

Support groups are offered onsite, online, and throughout the region to anyone needing support, regardless of where they receive cancer treatment. Cancer resource center staff can help connect patients and caregivers with the group that fits their needs.

Wig Bank

For patients experiencing hair loss as a side effect of treatment, wigs and head coverings are available free of charge from our onsite wig bank. The boutique is open by appointment to all cancer patients.

No-Cost Mammogram Program

Patients in El Dorado County with limited or no insurance may be eligible for free mammography services. Please contact the Cancer Resource Center to see if you qualify.

Art and Movement Classes

Free onsite and offsite art and movement classes, offered by local nonprofit Images of Hope, are available to anyone impacted by cancer in El Dorado County. A schedule of classes is available at the Cancer Resource Center or on the Images of Hope website. Harp music is also provided on selected days in the Infusion Center.

Additional Activities

Pet therapy is offered on selected days.