Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life. We recognize that the process of giving birth can be overwhelming. In addition to the expert medical care from Marshall Birth Center's team of doctors and nurses, we now offer practical and emotional help through labor support volunteers.
Research shows that women who use labor support are less likely to have a cesarean birth or need medication for pain and to speed labor. Those who have labor support also experience breastfeeding success and are more likely to have a positive birth experience.
Emotional Support
Our volunteers help you feel cared for, encourage you during your labor and can suggest comfort measure techniques and productive labor positioning. Labor support volunteers are trained to nurture you and your partner for a more satisfying birth experience.
Physical Support
Labor Support provide hands-on comfort measures like comforting touch and massage, counter pressure, breathing techniques, cold or warm compresses and aromatherapy. They assist with positioning ideas, use of the birth ball and shower or bath for comfort and labor progression.
Marshall’s Labor Support provides support to your partner and family too. We help them be as involved in the birth as much as they (and you) would like. Partners, fathers and family are an integral part of the birth and benefit from support too.
Labor Support is provided for any woman giving birth at Marshall and is free of charge. We have a team of Labor Support Volunteers on call to assist with your birth. They are available on a first come, first served basis depending on availability. Once admitted to the Birth Center, please let your nurse know you are interested in using Labor Support and we will contact a member of the team for you.