On the Medical and Surgical floors, visiting hours are typically from noon to 9 p.m.
In the Birth Center, visitors for laboring patients are welcome 24 hours a day. After delivery, visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
In the Intensive Care Unit, visiting may be limited based on the patient's condition. Please check in using the intercom to the nursing station from the ICU waiting room or by phone prior to visiting.
All inpatient visitors must be screened for COVID symptoms and receive a visitor badge. This badge must be visible at all times.
Parents of a hospitalized child are encouraged to stay with the child.
COVID-positive patients visitors are required to wear provided full personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for COVID.
COVID-positive Birth Center patients may have two visitors. The visitor must wear full provided full personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for COVID.
There are times when it is not appropriate for visitors to be at the bedside. These include:
If you wish to send an email to a Marshall patient, you may send it to patientadvocate@marshallmedical.org. Please include your first and last name as well as the name and date of birth of the patient in the text of your email.
Due to its potential to trigger allergic reactions, latex rubber balloons are not permitted in the hospital. Mylar balloons are allowed. Flowers received for inpatients will be delivered to the room with the exception of ICU or if the patient is under protective (immunosuppression) precautions.