You may be surprised to learn just how common germs are in our everyday lives. But perhaps equally surprising is how easy it is to keep germs at bay and keep you and your family healthy.
Consider some of these facts:
Simple hygiene measures can control germs and keep you from getting sick from other people’s germs – and vice versa. Washing your hands regularly or using hand sanitizer are very effective. In fact:
It’s especially important to clean your hands before handling food, before touching your face and after using the bathroom. Take advantage of the increasingly available supplies of hand sanitizing gels and wipes at public places, including grocery stores, and here at Marshall.
Another important factor in staying healthy is practicing what we know as "respiratory etiquette." It’s simple: when you cough or sneeze and use your hands as a shield, you’re getting those germs on your hands. Before doing anything else, wash those hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner. To improve your germ-fighting etiquette, always use a tissue. If you don’t have one on hand, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not hands. Don’t leave that tissue lying around either – throw it away!