New Patient Story
- Author: John Doe
- Date Submitted: Jul 1, 2021

Not happy at all. I have had nothing but problems at this facility. To getting my meds refilled on time to not being able to reschedule my payments when I couldn’t make my apt today because of a family emergency. I’m now going to be out of medications for a month and a half because I could get my appointment rescheduled for this month. What irritates me most is that dr corea medical assistant stated well if you had show up to your appointment this wouldn’t of had to happen ! Well I called to let people know I couldn’t make it and I also tried to reschedule this missed Apt was out of my hands it’s very infuriating when someone has to rub the fact in my face. That’s very rude. I know I missed my apt but I shouldn’t have to be punish because a family emergency came up.