Please note: Marshall provides these links to area support groups as a courtesy to the community. Unless otherwise noted, these groups are independent of Marshall and not affiliated with Marshall.
Marshall support groups, classes and events can be found here.
Find California AA Meetings Near You | AlcoholicsAnonymous.com
Grief support groups for families who have experienced the death of a loved
one during the last 18 months.
For information call or go to
http://mhinsightsedu.com/ or email at
This group provides education, support and seminars for individuals, family,
friends and the community, with a focus on all mental illness.
This caregiver support group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at the Snowline administrative offices in Diamond Springs, CA from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. To register please click here: https://snowlinecaregiversupport.eventbrite.com.
Respite services are available. Please call us if you are in need of respite to attend this support group (530) 621-7820.
Art Therapy/Movement Classes
Throughout each month, a variety of art therapy and movement classes are
available for cancer patients, their friends and caregivers. For upcoming
dates, please contact Marshall Cancer Resource Center at 672-7050.
Chemotherapy Orientation
Is chemotherapy in your treatment plan? A nurse navigator, social worker
and infusion nurse will gather to educate patients on what to expect during
chemotherapy, in hopes of easing the transition and eliminating any barriers
to care. Reservations recommended. Family, friends and caregivers welcome.
I Can Cope
The American Cancer Society offers a free monthly telephone conference
on different cancer related topics. To find out the schedule or register
for these conferences, call 1-800-227-2345
Look Good, Feel Better
Designed for women going through chemotherapy, this single session helps women enhance their appearance with makeup, scarves, wigs, and turbans. Contact the Marshall Cancer Resource Center at 530-672-7050 to register.
Loss Support Group
Share your thoughts and overcome the stress of loss from illness, divorce
or death. For more info, call 916-286-3691, ext. 15000# or
Lymphedema Education Class
Did you have lymph nodes removed during surgery for treatment of your cancer?
Have you received radiation treatments to your lymph nodes? If so, you
may at risk for developing a treatable condition known as lymphedema.
Please attend this free, one time education class to learn about the signs
to look for and the steps to take to reduce your risk. Call 530-672-7050
to reserve your spot. Family and friends welcome.
Ostomy Support Group
A monthly support group for people living with ostomies. Contact: Marshall
Cancer Resource Center 530-672-7050 for more information. Family and friends welcome.
Prostate Cancer Support Group
This group is specifically designed to provide information and support
to men with prostate cancer. Contact the Marshall Cancer Resource Center
at 530-672-7050 for more information. Family and friends welcome.
Reach To Recovery
Breast Cancer survivors make individual visits to new breast cancer patients
immediately post surgery to provide information on reconstruction, prostheses,
and support programs. Contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345
or the Marshall Cancer Resource Center at 530-672-7050 for more information.
Seasoned Survivors General Cancer Support Group
Contact Mary Sullivan at 916-939-2417 or email
sullivan2458@sbcglobal.net for information and directions to the meeting place.
Caregivers Support Groups & Training
The program offers information, assistance, counseling, respite care and
supplemental care for persons caring for an adult 60 years or older with
a dementia or Alzheimer's diagnosis, and resources for grandparents raising
a grandchild or other relative 18 years old or younger.
My Time
Support and workshops for caregivers of frail, elderly or disabled adults.
Respite care available during the meetings. Visit
www.edcgov.us for more information and additional resources or call 530-621-6151.
Senior Peer Counseling of El Dorado County
For residents 55 and over. Peer Counseling for the grieving, depressed or other issues related to aging. Call 530-621-6304.
Friends for Survival is dedicated to providing a variety of peer-support services that comfort those in grief, encourage healing and growth, foster the development of skills to cope with a loss from suicide and educate the entire community regarding its impact. For more information, contact call 916-392-0664. Learn more at https://friendsforsurvival.org/
Health Ministry Associate
Monthly speakers focus on faith/health topics that support faith congregations
and parish nurses.
Contact 530-677-6964, or
Life Enhancement through Support (L.E.T.S)
A peer volunteer group through the El Dorado County Mental Health Department.
Call 530-621-6567 for information.
El Dorado Warm Line and Peer Support Services
Telephone and peer counseling, community service referrals for El Dorado County.
Call 530-621-6567 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00
p.m. to set-up an appointment.
When you experience loss of relationships, loss through divorce, loss of health, loss of family/loved ones, or other losses, stress occurs. A support program exists to ease this stress and loss process. For more information, call 916-286-3691, #, 15000 or email: penders@losrios.edu
Multiple Sclerosis
Call 530-295-3356 for information
Parkinson's Disease Support Group
Contact 916-933-2465 or email
Spinal Cord Injury Support Group
Contact 530-295-7620 or visit
Marshall Stroke Education and Support Group
Stroke survivors, their families and friends are invited to attend and
bring a lunch.
Join us the first Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(530) 626-2793 for more information and location.